political awareness

political awareness
Rajputs and the Indian Left Politics

Rajputs and the Indian Left Politics

The Indian politics is primarily centered around the binaries of caste and religion with public centric issues being shoved on the back-burner as a norm. And sadly,

“ठाकुर का कुआँ “:  वर्चस्व की ज़मीनी हकीकत से भ्रमित करता ब्राह्मणवादी मीडिया

“ठाकुर का कुआँ “: वर्चस्व की ज़मीनी हकीकत से भ्रमित करता ब्राह्मणवादी मीडिया

कुछ समय पूर्व नए पार्लियामेंट के नए शेषन में  गुज्जर नेता रमेश भिडूडी द्वारा सांसद कुंवर दानिश अली को जिहादी और उग्रवादी बोलकर संबोधित किया,

ओमप्रकाश वाल्मीकि का रचनासंसार और ‘ठाकुर’ का रूपक

ओमप्रकाश वाल्मीकि का रचनासंसार और ‘ठाकुर’ का रूपक

अक्सर popular discourse में और दलित विमर्श के संदर्भ में बौद्धिकों और प्रगतिशील समाज द्वारा ओमप्रकाश वाल्मीकि जी की मार्मिक कविता ‘ठाकुर का कुआं‘ पढ़ी-पढ़ाई और

Implementation of Karpuri Model crucial to counter malice of feudal OBCs

Implementation of Karpuri Model crucial to counter malice of feudal OBCs

The struggle between the original OBCs and the lathet castes who hijacked the OBC reservation is very old, understand from this sentence that when OBC

Arya Samaj & Psychological Degradation of Kshatriyas in post-47 era

When John Thayer Hitchcock, an American Anthropologist affiliated with the Cornell University was appointed in India, he primarily worked in West UP, and gives quite

Daksham (Dalit Kshatriya Muslim): A Possible Socio-political Alliance !!

Daksham (Dalit Kshatriya Muslim): A Possible Socio-political Alliance !!

Following the watershed year 1947, the Marathi Brahmin-led RSS has been unexceptionally offensive against the interests of four communities –  Muslim minority, mool OBC class

Maharana Pratap Board:  Cheap government scheme to befool the Kshatriyas

Maharana Pratap Board: Cheap government scheme to befool the Kshatriyas

Penned by Lokeshwar Shekhawat May 2023 saw the announcement of the much vaunted Maharana Pratap Board by the chief minister Ashok Gehlot much to the delight

How a single Community monopolized “Kisaan” politics?

How a single Community monopolized “Kisaan” politics?

In contemporary times, “stereotyping” has become the most exploited tool of propaganda.  As a result of this, a particular community has been persistently projected as

History Writing: A Political Process & Dearth of Rajput Historians a crisis

History Writing: A Political Process & Dearth of Rajput Historians a crisis

Chausath Yogini Temple that was established by Raja Devpala Kachwaha of Gwalior in 11th century. It is said to have inspired the design of the Indian Parliament. All Jantar Mantars were established

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