Social Awareness

The Various Gurjara Castes vs The Gujjar Caste

The Various Gurjara Castes vs The Gujjar Caste

सौराष्ट्र और कच्छ में गुर्जर सिलावट, गुर्जर सुनार, गुर्जर कुम्हार, गुर्जर मिस्त्री आदि कई जातियां मिलती हैं. इस मैप में ये सभी जातियां नारंगी रंग

गुर्जरात्रा का नामकरण और “गुर्जर” जाति का मिथक

गुर्जरात्रा का नामकरण और “गुर्जर” जाति का मिथक

एतिहासिक प्रमाणों की बात करें तो उत्तर भारत में मिलने वाली गूजर नाम की जाति का किसी साहित्य या शिलालेख मे पहला उल्लेख 16वी सदी

Why Bollywood’s Prithviraj is a myth: A Chauhan’s clarification on distortion of history

Why Bollywood’s Prithviraj is a myth: A Chauhan’s clarification on distortion of history

The article was first published here The 12th century medieval Emperor Prithviraj Chauhan has been a favourite subject of myth-making and political trends for many

The Kshatriyas : Lab Rats for Cinematic Demonization

The Kshatriyas : Lab Rats for Cinematic Demonization

Originally Published on The Arch-Rebel By Aeshvarya Thakur The Supreme Court recently remarked that it was there to protect free speech, but ‘𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝

Oh Kshatriya ! Embrace your Heritage Fully To Fully Own your Future

Oh Kshatriya ! Embrace your Heritage Fully To Fully Own your Future

Oh Kshatriya ! Embrace your Heritage Fully To Fully Own your Future, Don’t Limit yourselves to Religion & Region The Hindutva chauvinists implore different castes

Dear Kshatriyas, Know your real enemies

Dear Kshatriyas, Know your real enemies

Races don’t fight for religion when they are under threat ! Cubans did not fight for Christianity when their rights were trampled! Balochs are not

Rajput History in the Theatre of Post-Truth Narratives

Rajput History in the Theatre of Post-Truth Narratives

Originally Published on The Arch-Rebel By Aeshvarya Thakur It’s appalling how the recent controversy around state-sponsored-purge of Mughal court history from the syllabi has been grabbed

‘Stop Distortion Of Rajput History’: King Mihir Bhoj’s Descendent To Modi Govt

‘Stop Distortion Of Rajput History’: King Mihir Bhoj’s Descendent To Modi Govt

Kunwar Arunoday Singh Parihar, prince of Madhya Pradesh’s Nagod estate, has raised objections to the Gujjar community’s recent claims of having descended from King Bhoj.

क्षत्रिय सामाजिक, राजनीतिक और धार्मिक चेतना मंच।

Jai Ramdev ji | Jai Tejaji |JaiGogaji |Jai Jambho ji| Jai Dulla Bhati | Jai Banda Bahadur |

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