[19]: Maranasatti – The Kshatriya Contemplation of Death
One who cannot maintain composure ( factors of samadhi) at the prospect of one’s own possible death cannot possibly maintain composure with respect to the
[20]: The Different Flags of Kshatraa Dharma : Understanding the Concept
Flag Developed by Ravindra Singh Bidawat & team, shows a Kesariya background of Overlapped Sun & Moon representing Suryavansh and Chandravansh divisions of the Kshatriya
{21]: The SIX Jewels of Kshatra Dharma
1. क्षत्रियपरिचयः अन्यपरिचयानां उपरि : KSHATRIYA FIRST Kshatriyas put their ethnic identity first and religious ideology second. Anybody who does not so thinks and acts