political awareness

The doublespeak of Samajwadi Party: A historical perspective

The doublespeak of Samajwadi Party: A historical perspective

The Samajwadi Party (SP) in Uttar Pradesh has often been clubbed together with the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) under the rhetoric of Bahujan politics or

Doublespeak Criminal politics of non-Kshatriya Feudal castes

Doublespeak Criminal politics of non-Kshatriya Feudal castes

The Karpuri Thakur Model of OBC reservation predicted and warned against hijacking of the OBC movement by (non-kshatriya) Feudal castes. Unfortunately a major blunder on

Mihir Bhoja Pratihāra Controversy:  The Violent Appropriation Politics of Gujjars

Mihir Bhoja Pratihāra Controversy: The Violent Appropriation Politics of Gujjars

1. Genesis of the Mihirbhoja Controversy In her 2014 paper “Pastoral Predicament: The Gujjars in History ”, Prof. Shail Mayaram – made the case for

पेशवावादी आरएसएस और गुरु गोलवलकर के क्षत्रियों के प्रति विचार

पेशवावादी आरएसएस और गुरु गोलवलकर के क्षत्रियों के प्रति विचार

राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ की स्थापना से लेकर आज सत्ता में निर्णायक भूमिका में होने तक किस जाति-समुदाय की प्रभुता का दर्शन और प्रदर्शन संघ में

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